History of our Church
The history of Trinity Lutheran Church of Fairbury dates back to July 16,1908. It was that day that Pastor Christian Helmreich, then pastor of the Lutheran church of Crescent City Illinois, made an enter in his diary which read: "Preached first time in Fairbury." The small group consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Saathoff. Mr. and Mris John Heins, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Free Sebo Mehrings and Herman Mehrings held service in the Free Methodist Church every other Sunday at 2pm.
In 1910 A. C. Decker was called to serve and did so until 1912. Then on February 25, 1935, after a few more Pastor rotation we held our first Congressional meeting. The congregation grew slowly but they worshiped every-other Sunday non the less. At this time sermons were done in English and in German.
In 1936 the Church purchased the Christian Science Society building, located on the corner or 5th and walnut. The price of this building was $750! This was a place to call our own and also allowed us to form and organize a Sunday school.
Officers of the first Sunday school were: Supt. Mrs. Johm Eilers, Assistant supt. Mr. Andrew Hlavas, Sec. Miss Leora Gerdes, and Treas. Mrs. Sam Haab.
In 1940 Pastor Bunge was called to serve in Chicago and Pastor Carl H. Amelung was called to serve in Chenoa. It was this time that the synod decided that the 4 churches should have 2 Pastors. It was at this time as well that the Church was then able to have services every Sunday.
Pastor Wm. Witting was called to replace Amelung. At this time our Church was increasing in size and our Sunday school was over flowing.
In 1956 a building fund canvass was conducted. Our property on 5th and Walnut was sold to the members or the Church of Christ. Ground was then purchased from Mr. Kuenzi anf on Easter Sunday, April 21, 1957 ground breaking service was held. Just 56 days later corner-stone laying service was held, September 1, The building wasn't compete yet but it was possible to hold services in it at this time.
Our congregation was active at this time with various organizations. We had Lutheran Brotherhood for the men, and Willing Workers for the women, There was Jr. Mission Society for the Children as well. In the summer we held Daily Vacation Bible School. Final Pastor held both adult and children confirmation classes.
God's richest blessing has been with us in a wonderful way for these many years. May He continue to bless us so that was may continue to worship him and to serve our community.